July 1, 2022 @ 8:00 AM

We hear and see this phrase often, especially as we approach the 4th of July, Independence Day, our nation's birthday. The United States of America declared itself an independent nation, separate from British rule on July 4, 1776. It is important to remember some details of that day and of our invaluable American History. It is not just a day to attend parades and fireworks, have picnics, and go swimming and boating. Certainly, we should celebrate our nation’s birthday, but first let us stop, remember, acknowledge, and honor those who made it all possible. Freedom is most definitely not free. Our freedom was secured at an incredible cost.

The Declaration of Independence was approved and signed by the Second Continental Congress ...

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July 1, 2022 @ 8:00 AM

Ever been lost when you were a youngster? It’s a scary feeling. You don’t know where you are and you don’t know the way home. So how would you find your way home? In the era before cellular phones, you would have had to find a pay phone (provided you had sufficient coins) and call your parents to come help you. This is a fitting analogy to the state of our nation at the current time. As a nation, we are lost and foundering. We are divided into polar opposite camps. The only way to get back home is to look to those who founded our nation and go back to the principles of our founding fathers.

On November 3, 1980, President Ronald Reagan declared, I have quoted John Winthrop's words more than once on the campaign ......

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July 1, 2022 @ 8:00 AM

God believes in relationships. He loves us so much and wanted a relationship with us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus the Messiah, to prove it. His own people, the Jews, rejected Him (John 1:11). How do we build relationships with people, especially people who have rejected us or “cut us off” from their lives? Those rejecters could be co-workers, neighbors, adult children, siblings, parents, or friends. How do we reconnect with them? 

Before I answer those questions let me say upfront that forgiving someone does NOT necessarily mean we are reconciled and in a relationship with them. We can forgive people with God and forgive the offender but reconciling with them is a different and often more difficult step. We may ...

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July 1, 2022 @ 8:00 AM

It's certainly not your dream job. In fact, it's far from it and you can't search for your dream job because you can't get the time off from your current job. It just seems hopeless and you're stuck putting in your time to draw a paycheck and wasting your talents and time on a dead-end job. You feel discouraged, hopeless, and, to be honest, afraid. You're afraid you might be stuck in this job for the rest of your life. You're afraid you're wasting your life.
What causes depression in the workplace? The causes are many and varied. By definition, depression is a sense of hopelessness, of feeling trapped with no escape. In the workplace it can be caused by sexual harassment by a superior or .........

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