September 1, 2016 @ 12:46 AM

Have you ever noticed that people respond differently when receiving a gift? Some people are pleased with the gift and are genuinely thankful both for the gift and for the kindness of the person who gave it. Some people may be disappointed with the gift itself, but appreciative of the thoughtfulness of the gift giver. Some receivers of gifts may be apathetic. And still others received the gift with enthusiasm but also seem to exhibit feelings of entitlement. There are probably a variety of possible responses to receiving a gift, but I would like to focus on these two extremes: genuine thankfulness and entitlement.

People who come for counseling are often in need of grace. We have seen the gift of grace received with genuine thankfulness ...

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September 1, 2016 @ 12:46 AM

Were you as amazed at the performances of the athletes at the 2016 summer Olympics as I was? These mere mortals acted like superheroes! They roared down the track at breakneck speed. They flew through the air and landed unharmed. They swam like dophins being chased by great white sharks! I was absolutely glued to the television after dinner watching the feats of these incredible human beings. 

How did they become such spectacular athletes? The unheralded backstory of each helps you understand the countless hours they have spent in the gymnasium, swimming pool, track, range, etc. They have focused on the prize of a medal at the Olympics and they know the sacrifice they must make to obtain it. Many have sacrificed social ...

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September 1, 2016 @ 12:46 AM

Is it just me or does there seem to be a striking absence of joy in our lives? Yes, we get up each morning and do our daily routine but where’s the joy in it? We experience occasional fleeting bursts of happiness but is happiness the same as joy?

What is joy anyway? As a young Christian I learned that joy was spelled J-O-Y: “Jesus” “Others” and “You.” I think the idea behind the acrostic was that joy was obtained by ordering your life by putting Jesus first in your thinking and doing, others ahead of yourself, and yourself last in line. True? I’m not too sure about that. If I continually put the needs of others ahead of my own needs I’ll burn out and won’t be good for anybody. I ............

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