Dr. Irv and Elsie Woolf
                                                         Directors, Woolf Counseling, LLC




Irv Woolf is a graduate of Bradley University (1969), Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois, with a Master of Divinity degree (1973), and Denver Seminary in Denver, Colorado, with a Doctor of Ministry degree in Marriage and Family Counseling (2006). He is ordained in the Evangelical Free Church of America (1995). Irv is the author of several purity books including: The Power of Purity: God's Design for Sexuality in a Sex-Saturated World, The Purity of the Bride of Christ: Calling the Church to God's Standard for Sexuality, and Pure Devotion: Cultivating a Heart for Holiness (2017). Having been a pastor since 1973, Irv and his wife, Elsie, founded and led the National Coalition for Purity and the popular men’s purity ministry, Every Man’s Battle For Purity from 2006-2015. Former directors of Hopewell Counseling, Irv and Elsie currently direct Woolf Counseling. Irv and Elsie reside in Maple Grove, Minnesota.


Elsie Woolf is a graduate of Elmhurst College (1969) and Bethel Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota with a Master's degree in Marriage and Family Therapy (1999). Elsie is a Board Certified Christian Counselor with the Board of Christian Professional and Pastoral Counselors. Besides being a marriage and family counselor, Elsie is also a life coach. Both Irv and Elsie are certified by the National Anger Management Association (NAMA) as trainers. Irv and Elsie are the parents of three adult children and seven beautiful grandchildren.