November 1, 2020 @ 8:00 AM

Superficial relationships are all about looking good on the surface. But if we only look at the surface, we will miss out on some valuable relationship information. It is easy to look good on the surface, but it is important to know what character issues might be present below the surface.

In early October, residents and visitors in Minnesota were able to get a rare look at the bottom of the Mississippi River in downtown Minneapolis. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers drew down the water temporarily between the Upper St. Anthony Falls Lock and the Lower St. Anthony Falls Lock as part of a routine inspection. The locks are typically inspected every 5-10 years but as of 2020, the water levels had not been lowered since 2008. It is important ...

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November 1, 2020 @ 8:00 AM

Elsie and I watched the final presidential debate last night. It was interesting and informative. The candidates spoke more about their goals and policies than the previous debate which included a lot of name-calling. What I took away from last night’s debate is that words are cheap. As the old saying goes, “Actions speak louder than words.” Candidates can promise anything to get elected but, if elected, which of their promises will they keep and put into practice. Since both candidates for the presidency have served in public office in the past, it is fair to look at their record of accomplishments. What have they done with the power and position they have held? So, my advice is to listen to what they say but more ...

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November 1, 2020 @ 8:00 AM

In 1971, Carly Simon wrote the hit song “Anticipation.” In the chorus she writes, “Anticipation, anticipation, Is makin' me late, Is keepin' me waitin'.” Anticipation is about future expectations. It can, as Carly says, make us wait. We anticipate that something will happen or we will get something but not yet. We must wait. To anticipate is a lot like hope. Both are future-thinking. When we anticipate that something will happen, we have hope.  Anticipation is powerful in that it drives us on, knowing that the desired outcome will occur if we keep pressing on. Anticipation gives us hope and hope does not disappoint (Romans 5:5). There are two kinds of anticipation: one that looks to the future with ...

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November 1, 2020 @ 8:00 AM

You probably know people who “don’t do conflict.” They are conflict-avoidant and either divert the conversation or excuse themselves physically because they sense conflict is imminent. Why do they avoid conflict and how could engaging in a conflictual conversation actually help them?

Here are some reasons why people avoid conflict:

  1. Family-of-Origin. People often avoid conflict because they saw the results of conflict between their parents or their parents and others in the family and it was not pretty. Their parents had verbal (and possibly physical) fights and they purposed that when they become adults they would never do that.
  2. Fear. Probably the most common reason people avoid conflict is fear. They are afraid of ...
  3. ...

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