November 9, 2015 @ 5:21 PM

Have you noticed the minimal media exposure for Thanksgiving? It’s pathetic! There is a blast of ads for Halloween and then immediately the media turns its attention to Black Friday and Christmas. Hey, whatever happened to my favorite holiday of all, Thanksgiving? The only television ad I noticed was a supermarket ad. Can it be that Thanksgiving, because of its religious nature, is being squeezed out of our culture? Could we lose Thanksgiving? Shockingly it’s possible! As we become more secular as a society and drift further and further from our biblical moorings, we could lose Thanksgiving.

Consider what has happened to other religious holidays. Whatever happened to Christmas? It has completely morphed into a secular holiday ...

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November 9, 2015 @ 5:20 PM

Emotional intelligence is an important area of focus in the professions of counseling, life coaching and other mental health fields. It has been said to be the best predictor of work and relationship success. It is also referred to as EQ similar to the way IQ refers to someone’s intelligence quotient. Many job applications now include EQ assessments. Unlike IQ which does not change much over the course of a person’s life time, emotional intelligence can be improved. Emotional intelligence refers to a person’s ability to recognize their emotions and manage them well. It also refers to the ability to understand the emotions of others and be able to manage relationships well. Emotional intelligence has a lot to do with ...

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November 9, 2015 @ 5:19 PM

Are you a perfectionist? How would you know? Perfectionism is defined by Webster’s dictionary as, “a disposition to regard anything short of perfection as unacceptable.” Perfectionism is not to be confused with excellence. According to the DSM-IV (p. 669-671), perfectionism is a characteristic of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder and drives the victim mercilessly to set unrealistic goals and attempt to achieve them. Excellence, on the other hand, is characterized by setting realistic goals and doing one’s best to achieve them. Failure by the perfectionist often leads to despair and depression. Failure by the one committed to excellence is seen as a learning experience and leads to trying again.

Why do people...

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November 9, 2015 @ 5:17 PM

“If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life,” so says Marc Anthony. He's right, isn’t he? The key to loving your job is to do what you love. Sometimes that’s not possible but it surely is a worthy goal. God has placed within us the capacity for passion and when we are passionate and love our jobs they don’t even seem like jobs. When we are passionate about our jobs time flies and we have a hard time pulling ourselves away from what we’re doing. The amazing thing with a job about which you are passionate is that somebody is willing to pay you for what you love doing! This is all part of God’s grand plan for our lives. He has designed and built us with gifts, abilities, ...

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