Our Focus

Woolf Counseling focuses on six of the major issues impacting our culture:

1. Sexual Addiction

Men, women, and teens are being impacted at an alarming rate by the ease of access to pornography and the acceptability of sexual immorality in our culture. Christians are not exempt. Irv and Elsie have spent the past 9 years leading the sexual purity ministry, the National Coalition For Purity. Over 7,000 have experienced the men's ministry, Every Man's Battle For Purity, the women's ministry, Women of Truth, and the teen ministry, the REBELlion with 91% finding significant sexual purity. Irv and Elsie are uniquely qualified to provide hope, help, and healing to those who are struggling with sexual addiction.

2. Anger Management

Sometimes it shows itself as road rage. Sometimes it manifests as physical or verbal abuse. Sometimes it is swallowed resulting in ulcers, colitis, depression, or suicial ideation. Anger can ruin our relationships, cost us jobs, and destroy our health. Whether it is acting out or acting in, anger is a powerful force for good or for evil. What's good about anger? Anger, if managed properly, can be the fuel to cause us to address personal issues such as addiction or weight loss. It can energize us to tackle cultural evils such as human trafficking and abortion. Both Irv and Elsie have received specialized training through the National Anger Management Association (NAMA) in how to bring hope, help, and healing to those held in the grip of anger.

3. Eating Disorders

We all need food to live but food should not become the focus of our lives. Whether it is anorexia, bulimia, bulimorexia, or gluttony, food can become a god in our lives, ruling us and demanding our worship.  Elsie has nearly 20 years of experience in bringing hope, help, and healing to those wrestling with eating disorders.

4. Troubled Relationships

Perhaps it is an abusive dating relationship, an oppositionally-defiant child, or a rocky marriage. Perhaps the troubled relationship is because of an emotional or sexual affair. Whatever the cause of the trouble, Irv and Elsie, will address it from a biblical perspective. They have been marriage counselors for over 20 years. Using proven tools such as Prepare/Enrich and Christian Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program (CPREP), Irv and Elsie have brought hope, help, and healing to hundreds of couples.

5. Parenting Adult Children

You thought you were done parenting when your married or single children left home. Wrong! Parenting is a lifelong ministry. We never outgrow our need for our parents. What happens, though, if your adult child decides to do a "cut off" and refuses to see you? How do you reconnect with them? What happens when your adult child makes poor choices or exhibits mental illness or becomes in bondage to an addiction? Who can you talk to? Who can help? Irv and Elsie have a vast amount of experience in dealing with these issues over the past 20 years of counseling.

6. Marriage Preparation  

The State of Minnesota gives a discount on marriage licenses to couples who have had at least 12 hours of marital preparation. If the state sees marriage preparation as that important, so do we. Irv and Elsie utilize the latest tools and best practices available to prepare couples for marriage. Irv is also an ordained pastor and available to help couples plan their wedding as well as officiate at the ceremony. It is a win-win all the way around!