April 1, 2022 @ 8:00 AM

We think of integrity as being honest and truthful. It is that, but it is more. The definition of integrity in the American Dictionary of the English Language (1828) by Noah Webster includes the idea of wholeness, entireness, and being complete. It refers to the entire, unimpaired state of anything, particularly of the mind, moral soundness, and purity. Integrity means pure, genuine, unadulterated. Righteous integrity is all about being real and living up to a high moral standard. Integrity is genuine and based on moral absolutes. It is the gold standard of character and the essence of the Ten Commandments. Integrity reflects the character of God Himself. Do you think integrity matters? It absolutely matters to God and other people.


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April 1, 2022 @ 8:00 AM

Are you a cell phone addict? How would you know? What separates cell phone addicts from normal cell phone users. Let’s start with the cell phone addict. The cell phone addicts, hunched over their cell phone punching furiously on the keys, are oblivious to the world around them or the person sitting across from them. There’s always one more email to send or text to read, one more game to play, one more TikTok video to watch, one more score to check on ESPN. They say things like, “Hey I wonder if anyone new has ‘friended’ me on my Facebook account? What are others saying about me? I think I’ll send a photo of what I ate for breakfast to my followers.” Cell phone addicts are typically on their phones 6...

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April 1, 2022 @ 8:00 AM

No, this article is not about people who love those golden slices of deliciousness served at Perkins or the Waffle House. This article is about those who have a difficult time making a decision and bounce back and forth between options. Wafflers can’t make up their minds and when they do make a decision, they constantly second-guess themselves on whether they made the right decision. Waffling drives them and everyone around them bonkers! So, why do they do it? Why can’t they make a decision and stick with it? Are there any biblical examples of wafflers? Finally, what’s the answer for chronic wafflers?

Let’s start with the “why” question. Why do people waffle when it comes to making a decision? Here are ...

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April 1, 2022 @ 8:00 AM

This is second of a two-part article on the causes and cure for depression. In the first part, I covered eight of the most common causes of depression: exhaustion, fear, finances, health, family, addictions, loneliness, and loss. The common denominator linking all depression is a feeling of hopelessness. Depression tells us there is no hope of things getting better, no hope of change. You’re probably depressed from just reading all of this! So the question is, “How can we overcome depression? Does God’s Word have anything to say about this most prevalent of mental illnesses?” Yes, it does.

Probably the clearest and most detailed account of a figure in the Bible who struggled with depression is the prophet Elijah. In...

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