October 1, 2018 @ 8:00 AM

Couples usually come for counseling with a surface presenting problem. It could be an affair, addiction, abuse, anger, parenting concerns, integrity issues, or basic communication problems. We use assessments to identify surface areas of conflict as well as deeper personality issues. The surface issues can be challenging. to be sure, because old habits are hard to change, but the personality issues are by far most difficult and resistant to change.

In marriage counseling, one and sometimes both have narcissistic tendencies or even narcissistic personalities. Marriages where both husband and wife are narcissists usually do not survive. When one person is a narcissistic there is a “dance” or style of relating to each other that ...

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October 1, 2018 @ 8:00 AM


Young men are driven to conquer: school, the woman, business, a sport or task. Some men even conquer their food when they eat! Young men want to conquer. Why? To conquer is to succeed but somewhere along the way young men grow older and come to realize that significance means more than success. Let me explain.

I would contend that young men and women are striving for SUCCESS but as they get older their striving for success turns to searching for SIGNIFICANCE (men) and searching for SECURITY (women).

Men, Success, and Significance

Definition of Success (Merriam-Webster Dictionary) is obtaining "a favorable or desired outcome." In our world success is measured by the Big 3: FAME, POWER, WEALTH. There is a ...

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October 1, 2018 @ 8:00 AM

Deep down everybody knew that mom needed to leave the family home. She could no longer keep up with all the work but who would convince her to move? On top of that, the family was divided. Some family members wanted to see her stay in the home and hire help for her. Some wanted to move her into an apartment or townhouse. Some wanted to skip the in between steps and move her directly into a senior assisted living center. How would they ever resolve this dilemma especially since emotions on the subject were running so high? This scenario is faced by countless thousands of families every year as the parents of Baby Boomers age. A family meeting could be a great and positive answer.

What is a family meeting?  A family meeting is a ...

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October 1, 2018 @ 8:00 AM


Yes, that’s right. The Christian parenting class, Growing Kids God’s Way, begins in less than two weeks but you can still register! Openings are available for the class but you must make a decision and act quickly.  

Growing Kids God’s Way was the first major parenting curriculum written for the Christian community and has served over two million households. The principles contained in this curriculum are biblical and have stood the test of time. Growing Kids God’s Way provides parents hope, encouragement and practical instruction in their duty of raising morally responsible and biblically responsive children. The curriculum serves parents of ...

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