Our Books > The Purity of the Bride of Christ
The Purity of the Bride of Christ

Price: $20.00
Prod. Code: 002

  • Is the church a moral thermostat influencing the moral temperature of the culture or is the church merely a moral thermometer reflecting the temperature of the culture?
  • What does a bride’s white dress stand for?
  • Why do pastors fall into sexual sin and how can pastors protect themselves from falling?
  • Can fallen pastors be restored?
  • How can a local church launch a ministry that addresses the sensitive topic of sexuality?   
  • Could sexual purity be the key for God to revive His church?

Veteran pastor and marriage counselor, Irv Woolf, answers these and many other questions in this book. The church of the 21stcentury is under attack. The unholy trinity of the world, the flesh, and the devil have declared war on her.  The church is becoming more like the world with each passing  generation such that it is difficult to tell the difference between Christians and non-Christians.  The world is opposed to God and doing all it can to pervert God’s good and holy gift of sexuality.  Satan and his mouthpiece, the world, are doing everything they can to pervert God’s design.  In The Purity of the Bride of Christ, Irv presents practical, field-tested strategies for purifying the church that work. Purity is possible.  

The beachhead has been established. It is time. You are being called to serve as God’s leader in the battle for men’s purity. These are the tools and strategies to use. It is not a quick, easy plan—and it is not free—but it is tried and true. The freedom on the other side is worth the cost of facing the fears and challenges. Countless others are praying that you will accept God’s call to engage in this most important battle.

As your heart longs to know God and walk humbly with Him, take courage and know that there is forgiveness and there is victory in daily life available to you and the men in your sphere of influence. As a transformation begins to take place, there is freedom from temptation to sexually sin. When that happens you will experience a new and refreshing sense of the life and freedom God intends for His children.

Dale Telle
Former director, Every Man’s Battle For Purity
Maplewood, MN